Be a Tutor on mDarasa
Start Teaching with us Today
Instructors from various universities, colleges and business leaders teach thousands of students on mDarasa. We provide the tools and skills to teach what you love.
Are you a Learning Institution?
You can sign up as an institution, add your content and reach out to many learners beyond your physical limits. It's that simple!
Create, Monetize and Earn in Quick Simple Steps
  1. Create & Publish
    Easily create and publish your own engaging courses, tutorials, and content tailored to your expertise. Let your creativity shine as you design interactive learning experiences.
  2. Set Your Pricing
    Take full control of your earnings by setting your own pricing. Decide the value of your content and attract your ideal audience with flexible payment options.
  3. Reach Your Audience
    With mDarasa, your potential clients and the general public can easily discover your content. Our robust marketing channels ensure that your message reaches the right people at the right time.
  4. Withdraw Anytime
    Say goodbye to waiting for payouts. Withdraw the amount paid by your subscribers whenever you desire. Your hard work should be rewarded instantly.
  5. Revenue Share
    We believe in fair partnerships. Earn a generous 75% of the revenue generated from your content, while mDarasa receives 25% to support platform maintenance and development. Don't miss this opportunity to join a thriving community of trainers and educators at mDarasa Learning Hub. Together, let's transform the way knowledge is shared and empower learners in Africa and beyond.